January & February 1991 Bundles

Alpha & Omega, #54, 4pp, Jan. 1991, Keith M. Gray

APC News, #152, Dec. 31, 1990-Jan. 1, 1991, Jake and Leah Warner, Bill Haywood, Dave, Melody and Alice Warner, Sheldon and Helen Wesson, Jim and Norma Kapplin, Edwin Harley, Jim and Franziska Walczak, Mauna Lawley, Guy Botterill, Harold davids, Bill and Gerry Groveman, Parker and Lillian Worley, Joe Gudonis, Bernard and Barbara Groveman with Tara erhan and Benny.

The Backwoods Spectator, unnumbered, 2pp, Winter Robert Schladetzky

The Boxwooder, #258, 16pp, and cover,Jan. 1991 , Jacob L Warner

The Boxwooder, #259, 12pp and cover,Feb. 1991, Jacob L Warner

Campane, #149, 12pp, Jan. 1991, Harold Segal Commentary, 1 pp, Ralph D. Howell, Jr.

The Flexible Pane, unnumbered, 2pp, fan. 1991, Boh Orbach and Harold Segal

The Flexible Voice, #136,2pp, Jan. 1991, Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice, # 137, 2pp, Feb. 1991, Robert Orbach

The Galley Proof, #25, 4pp, Feb. 1991, Lowell F. Adams

Just Our Type, #71, 4pp, Jan. 1991, William F. Haywood

The Lost Chord, #76, 4pp, Jan. 1991, Joe Gudonis

The Lost Chord, #77, 4pp, Feb. 199 1, Joe Gudonis

The Mini-Digest, #83, 8pp, Jan. 1991, Warren Rosenberger

The Offshoot, #30, 8pp, Jan. 1991, David L. Warner

Original Entry, #99, 4pp, Jan. 1991, Keith M. Gray

The Penny Magazine, #30, 4pp, Jan. 199 1, C. U. Goldsberry

Pine Street Print, unnumbered, 4pp, L. R. Geringer

Printers Calendar, unnumbered, Jan. 1991, Dan and Dave Celani (the dynamic duo)

Proofs and Pulls, #18, 4pp, Feb. 1991, Laurence Hines

Reflections & Refractions, #28,12pp, Winter 1991, Harold E. Davids

The Review, #3, 1991, 10pp and cover, Daniel Mark ­Timerson Graham

Scholar's Query, 1pp, Jan.-Feb. Michelle rau


March-April-May1991 Bundles

Alpha & Omega, #55, 4pp, Keith M. Gray

Alpha & Omega, #56, 4pp, Keith M. Gray

Bookmarker People #4, 1p, Frederick J. Liddle

Bookmarker People #5, 1p, Frederick J. Liddle

Bookmarker People #7, 1p, Frederick J. Liddle

Bookmarker People #8, 1p, Frederick J. Liddle

Bookmarker People #9, 1p, Frederick J. Liddle

The Boxwooder, #260, 1 1pp and cover , Jacob L. Warner

The Boxwooder, #261, 11 pp and cover , Jacob L. Warner

The Boxwooder, #262, 11 pp and cover , Jacob L. Warner

Campane, #150,12pp, Harold Segal

Carnpane, #151,12pp, Harold Segal

Driftwood II, 36pp and cover, Austin West

The Flexible Voice, #138, 2pp, Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice, #139, 2pp, Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice, #140, 2pp, Robert Orbach

The Gage Pin #32, 4pp, Spring , Fred Gage

Galley Proof, #26, 4pp, Lowell F. Adams

Garret Grouch, #88, 4pp, jack M. Hageman

The Gazebo News, #4, 2pp, March, Joe A. Diachenko

Just Our Type, #72, 4pp, William F. Haywood

Just Our Type, #73, 4pp, William F. Haywood

Just Our Type, #74, 4pp, William F. Haywood

La Muneca, #1, 1p, Eileen Cummings

La Prensa, #16, 2pp, Peyton Reavis

The Lost Chord, #79, Joe Gudonis

The Lost Chord, #80, Joe Gudonis

The Lost Chord, #81, Joe Gudonis

NAPA East, #1, 21pp and cover, Jim Walczak and other members of VAPA

NAPA San Diego, #28, 4pp, Gale Sheldon

NAPA West, #41, 27pp, and cover, Spring, Southern Cali­fornia members of NAPA

National Calamity, #76, 4pp, Frederick J. Liddle

New Estate, #1, 4pp, June, Roy Lindberg

Ohio Views, #5, 4pp, Gary T. Bossier

Original Entry, #100, 7pp and cover, Keith M. Grey

ORRiginal Thoughts, #29, Oct. 1990, 2pp, Richard Orr

ORRiginal Thoughts, #30, Nov. 1990,2pp, Richard Orr

Potpouri, #14, Winter 1990, 4pp, (??)

Printer's Progress, #23, 7pp and cover, John Setek

Proofs and Pulls, #19,4pp, Laurence Hines

Proofs and Pulls, #20, 4pp, Laurence Hines

Reflections & Refractions, #29, Spring 1991, Harold E. Davids

The Review, #4, 4pp, Daniel Mark-Timerson Graham

The Review, #5, 6pp and cover Daniel Mark-Timerson Graham

Shampane, #51, 4pp, Al Fick & Harold Segal (alias Harvin Fegal)

Siamese Standpipe, #67, 4pp, Helen & Sheldon Wesson

Silver and Gold, #19, 24pp and cover, Gale Sheldon Miscellaneous:

Commentary, Ralph D. Howell, Jr. and Eileen Cummings

Invitation to NAPA Convention and Official Ballot, Stephen Bayuzick

Laureate Award Program, Bob Dargel

Historian's comment: John Setek in his current issue of this month's bundle took the liberty of illustrating by a ze­rox sheet in his publication, Printer's Progress, an arti­cle on Building Your Own Printing Press. I think a nov­ice member would be glad to see this publication. It is my personal wish to see more of this type instructive in­formation. Thanks mate, I enjoyed it. —William L. Osborne


June 1991 Bundle

Alpha & Omega, #57, 4pp, Keith M. Gray

Bookmarker People, #1, Fred Liddle

Bookmarker People, #3, Fred Liddle

The Boxwooder, #263, 8pp & cover, July 1991, Jacob L. Warner

The Flexible Voice, #141, 2pp, Robert Orbach

The Forgotten, #1, 4pp, Daniel Graham

Just Our Type, #75, May, 1991,4pp, William F. Haywood

The Kitchen Stove, #72, 4pp, Louise Lincoln

The Letterpress, #6, 12pp and cover, Dan Celani

The Lost Chord, #82, 4pp, Joe Gudonis

NAPA San Diego, #29, May 26, 4pp, Gale Sheldon

National Calamity, #77, 4pp, Fred Liddle

On The Spot, #1, Keith Larson

Original Entry, #102, 4pp, Keith M. Gray

Poems,#?, 10pp and cover, Austin West

A Printer's Progress, #24, Nov.-Dec. 1990, John Setek

A Printer's Progress, #25, Jan.-Feb. 1991, 4pp and cover, John Setek

A Printer's Progress, #26, Mar. -Apr., 1991, 2pp John Setek

Ray's Ravings, #20, 2pp, Ray Winslett

The Reviewer, # 17, 4pp, Guy Miller

The Shambler, #40, 4pp, Al Fick

Miscellaneous: Announcement by Dave and Dan Celani about printing equipment for sale. Notice from Tom Patell about a correction for his current journal.


July, August, 1991 Bundles

Alpha & Omega, #58, 4pp, Aug., 91 Keith M. Gray

The BiG Bodkin, #22, July, 4pp, Joseph A. Diachenko

The Boxwooder, #264, 8pp & cover, July 1991, Jacob L.Warner

The Boxwooder, #265, 8pp, Aug., Jake Warner

Campane, # 152, 12pp, July 1991, Harold Segal

The Dingbat, #4, 4pp, Aug, 199 1, Lowell F.Adams

The Flexible Voice, #142, 4pp, July, Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice, #143, 8pp, Aug., Robert Orbach

The Forgotten, #2, no date, Daniel Graham

Galley Proof, #28, 4pp, July , Lowell Adams

Just Our Type, #76, 4pp, June, William F. Haywood

Just Our Type, #77, 4pp, July, William F. Haywood

The Lost Chord, #83, 4pp, July, Joseph J. Gudonis

The Lost Chord, #84, 4pp, Aug., Joseph J. Gudonis

New Estate, #2, 4pp, August 1991, Roy Lindberg OK

Today 4pp, Convention paper, -GWH, Larry Raid, M. Prowell, GS.

Original Entry, #102, 12pp, July 1991, Keith M. Gray

Proofs & Pulls, #21, 8pp, Aug., Laurence Hines

The Reviewer, #18,8pp, Aug., Guy Miller

From the S.I., #1, 2pp, no date, Stan Nelson

(Also Mailer Message from Pres. J. A.Diachenko


September, October, November 1991 Bundles

Alpha & Omega #59, 4pp, Oct. Keith M. Gray

Mother of Ashes Press, Summer, 8pp ff, Joe Singer

Bay's Tid Bits #72, 8pp, Stephen Bayuzick

Commentary #3, 4pp, Ralph Howell

The Boxwooder #266, 8pp+cover, Sept. Jake Warner

The Boxwooder #267, 8pp+cover, Oct.. Jake Warner

The Boxwooder #268, 8pp+cover, Nov. Jake Warner

Campane #153, 12pp, Sept Harold segal

Campane #154, 12pp, Nov. Harold Segal

The Flexible Voice #144, 4pp, Sept. Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice #145, 4pp, Oct, Robert Orbach

The Flexible Voice # 146, 4pp, Nov.Robert Orbach

F.Y.I. #5, 1p, Oct, Clarence & Millicent Prowell

The Iron Horse #1, 4pp, Nov, Donald Bauer

The Jersey Journal #5, 2pp Sept, '78 Mark Solomon

Just Our Type #78, 4pp, William Haywood

The Kitchen Stove #73, 4pp, Louise Lincoln

Letterpress #7, 8pp+cover, Summer Dan Celani

The Lost Chord #91, 4pp, Joe Gudonis

Utility Press #27, 8pp+cover, May, June, John Satek, Queensland, Australia

Proofs & Pulls #22, 4pp, Nov, Lawrence Hines

National Calamity #78, 4pp, Sept, Fred Liddle

NAPA San Diego #30, 4pp, Sept, Gale Sheldon

NAPA West #42, 28pp, Autumn, Southern CA members of NAPA

On the Spot #2, 4pp, Nov, Keith Larson

Original Entry #103, 4pp, Sept, Keith M. Gray

Pine Street Print Fall '91, Opp L.A. Geringer

Ray's Ravings! #21, 2pp, Sept. Ray Winslett

The Review #6, 4pp, Daniel Graham

The Reviewer #19-26, 4pp, Sept. Guy Miller

The Reviewer #27, 4pp, Oct, Guy Miller

Shampane #52, 4pp, Laborious Day, Harvin Figal, (Al Fick & Harold Segal)

Silver and Gold #20, 28pp, Oct. Gale Sheldon

Siamese Standpipe #68, 4pp, Oct Helen & Sheldon Wesson

Type Specimen 1p, Aug. S. Heaver

Treasurer's Report 1p, July 90-June 91StephenBayuzick

Things to Remember 1p, Note from Robert Orbach, Pres. & Social Secretary.


December 1991 Bundle

The Golden Argosy, Nov. 91, Mike Horvat

Bay's TidBits #76, 1 p, Stephen and Elizabeth Bayuzick

The Boxwooder # 269, 8 pp & cover, Dec. Jacob Warner

The Bradbury Press, Vol.1 No. 10, 8pp, Dec., Thomas Patell

The Ethnicicicist #10, 6pp, Winter 92, Jim Kapplin

The Flying Coffin, # 17, 4pp, Dec., Dick Fleming

The Flexible Voice #147, 2pp, Dec., Robert Orbach

The Gage Pin # 33, 4pp, Dec., Fred Gage

The Jersey Journal #6 6pp, Dec., Mark Solomon

Just Our Type #79, 4pp, Nov. William F. Haywood

At Leesure Countersign, 1p ff, Jeff Jennings

Letterpress #8, 4pp, Winter, Dan Celani

The Lost Chord #87, 8pp, Dec., Joseph J. Gudonis

National Calamity #79 4pp Dec., Frederick J Liddle

The Life & Times of Mother of Ashes Press, Autumn 91, 12pp, Joe M. Singer

ORRiginal Thoughts, #31, 2pp, Dec. 90, Richard Orr

ORRiginal Thoughts, #32, 2pp, Jan., 91, Richard Orr

ORRiginal Thoughts, #33 2pp, March 91, Richard Orr

ORRiginal Thoughts, #34, 2pp, April 91, Richard Orr.

ORRiginal Thoughts, #35, 2pp, May 91, Richard Orr.

Pecks Patter, #11 2pp, Christmas 91, Elaine Peck

A Printer's Progress #28 6pp & cover, July-Oct. 91., John Setek

A Printer's Progress #29, 2pp Nov-Dec. John Setek

Ray's Ravings! #22, 2pp Dec., Ray Winslett

Mailing Matters #1, 1p Elaine Peck, Mailer