January Mailing - 14 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 3-12, Dec., 5½x8½, 8 pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor-publisher.

BIRTH OF A NAME, 8½xl1, 2 pp, Ralph Hale.

CALENDAR, 1-2, Jan., 4x8, 2 pp, Larry Norcross, Wm. F. Evans, Nona Spath; Cornelius V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CANDLEBEAMS, 7th Candle, Dec., 5¼x7, 4 pp, Dean S. Bollman, editor-publisher.

CAPC CRIER, 4, Jan., 5x7, 4 pp, published by "sundry members of the Columbia Amateur Press Club," issued by the "unofficial editor' Victor A. Moitoret.

GINZA GAZETTE, 9, 4x6, 2 pp, S. C. Wesson.

JUNIOR JOURNALIST, 1-3, Dec.-Jan., 5½x8½, 6 pp, Alan Harshaw, editor.

MAILER, 17-6, Jan., 4½x6, 1 pp, Stan Oliner.

NOMAD, 7 & 8, Dec., Jan., 3x4¼, 4 pp, edited and published by A. W. Hodges at the Wheelwick Press.

PRAIRIE BREEZE, 5, Jan., 4¼x5½, 4 pp, by Albert R. Taylor, editor-printer, Frontier Press.

SPECTATOR, 40, Jan., 5x7, 16 pp plus cover, Helen Wesson, Ruth Kapusta, "Vondy," Sheldon Wesson, Helm Spink, Dora Moitoret, Margaret E. Thomas, Willamette, Viola Payne, Sandor Esterhazy; Milton Grady, editor-publisher.

TWO EMS, (Extra), Jan., 4½x6, 1 pp, by Dora H. Moitoret.

WISCONSIN REPORT, 1, New Series, Nov., 5½x8½, 4 pp, by Larry Notman.

Privately Mailed

CHURINGA, 21, Dec., 5¼x7¾, 38 pp plus cover, mimeod by editor-publisher James Guinane at the sign of the Cadaverous Kangaroo.

FAR AFIELD, 10, Autumn, '55, 5¼x7, 32 pp and cover; Rowena Moitoret, Lisa S. Mackey, John S. Kendall, unaffiliated writers and editor, Frederick F. Thomas Jr., editor-printer.

FORTY WINKS, 2nd special edition, Dec., 5½x­8½, 1pp by Ernest M. Pittaro.

THE FOSSIL, 148, Jan., 9x12, 8 pp, Herman C. Koenig, official messages and reports, Edward H. Cole, editor.

INTERESTING ITEMS, 722, March '47, 4½x­7¼, 8 pp, by Arthur Harris, editor; —723, April '47, 4 pp by editor; —724, May '47, 8 pp by editor.

INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR, 84, Dec. (in BAPA mailing), 6½x8, 12 pp, Edgar Thomp­son, unaffil. writers, and editor, Olive Teugels.

IRENE'S ITEMS, 5, Oct. '55, 4½x7¼, 4 pp, A. L. Shearn and editor, Irene Harris; printed by Arthur Harris.

JAMBOREE, 2, Spring '55, 3x4½, 4 pp, by edi­tor, Sheldon P. Wesson; and FOOTNOTES, Spring, 4½x6, 2 pp, by Sheldon C and Helen Wesson, of the Griddle Press.

LITTLE WISCONSIN TOWN-Saratoga of the West, Winter, 6x9, 20 pp plus cover, illus., by George W. Macauley, editor, publisher; printed by the Mayhew Press.

NATIONAL AMATEUR, 78.2, Dec., 7x10, 20 pp, including printed cover, NAPA official or­gan; Bessie Barnes, Don V. R. Drenner, Kermit R. Schuman, Alma "Rusty" Weixelbaum, John B. Schlarb, Edward Cole, Sheldon Wesson, Alan E. Harshaw, officers reports and editor, Russell L. Paxton; printed by the Paxton Press.

ON MAKING A PRINTING PRESS, Jan., 5¼x­7¾, 20 pp and cover, by editor, Ralph Green.

PHOENIX, 154, Winter, 6x9, 24 pp plus printed cover; Leona Hoots, Garth Bentley, Margie B. Boswell, Ae'lis C. Chape, Elizabeth C. McCrim­mon, Lyn Winters, M. O'Connor, Dorothy B. Winn, Larry Norcross, William F. Evans, Ernest A. Edkins, Elizabeth C. Porter, Mary D. Gar­barini, Dora H. Moitoret, unaffiliated writers; Charles W. Heins, editor-printer.

SIAMESE STANDPIPE, 35, Christmas, 4%2x5, 12 pp and cover, Mary Castleman, Arthur Harris, James Guinane, and editors, Helen V. and Shel­don C. Wesson. The Griddle Press.

SMOKE SIGNAL, 7, Dec., 4¾x6¼, 28 pp and cover, Burton Crane, James Guinane, Dermer S. Stout, A. L. Shearn, Dora H. Moitoret, Viola Payne, Don V. R. Drenner, Kelly Janes, cover cut by Helen and Sheldon Wesson, and editor, printer, Alvin S. Fick.

STORY PAPER COLLECTOR, 3-57, Jan., 5x6 16 pp, illustrated; Charles W. Daniel, Anthony P. Baker, Bernard Thorne, and William Gander, editor-printer.


Jack London APC Mailing

CLARION, 9, Dec., 3¼x5¼, 16 pp and cover; unaffil. writers and editor, Marvin H. Sanford.

SAN FRANCISCO EVENING LAMP, 14, Jan., 6x9, 16 pp and cover, Al Fick, Julia Lengle, Carla Patsuris, Paula Nelson, unaffil. writers and editor-printer, Marvin H. Sanford.

The Cigar Box Bulletin, 1, - 5V2x8V2, 4 pp, by editor, Marvin H. Sanford.

EDGAR M. HAYES, Historian


Historian's Report

(February through May, 1956)

February Mailing — 17 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-1, 5½x8½, 8 pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor-publisher. CALENDAR, 1-3, Feb., 4x8, 2 pp, G. Edward Lind, Kelly Janes, Wm. F. Evans, Cornelius V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CEREBRATIONS, 1, Feb., 5x7, 4 pp, Frances H. Beran, Brauner Ostergaard, Willametta Keffer, Carla Patsuris, ediitor; printed by A. Babcock,

CORNERSTONE, Jan., Feb., 5x7, 8 pp, each plus cover. Frances H. Beran, Della L. Camp­bell, Myra B. Welch, Dr. W. J. Thompson, G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor-publisher; printed by John Brann.

DENVARIA, 7, Feb., 5x7, 2 pp, Pauline Kerr, Kermit Schuman. For Columbine A.P.C. Set by Schuman, printed by Gardner.

JUNIOR JOURNALIST, 1-4, Feb., 5½x7, 2 pp, Stan Oliner, Alan Harshaw, editor-printer.
LITERARY NEWSETTE, 377, Jan. 25, 8½x11, 2 pp, mimeo, Willametta Keffer, editor.

MARTINI, Cocktail 23, Feb., 5V2x8V2, 4 pp, John R. Brann, Larry Norcross, Robert Price, Frank Egner, Elizabeth Butt, Nona D. Spath,

Martin B. Keifer, editor-printer.

NAPA MAILER, 17-7, Feb., 4¼x5½, 1 p, Stan Oliner.

RAYS, Feb., 3x5, 4 pp, Ray A. Albert, editor.

REVIEWING STAND, 1, Feb., 2½x3, 4 pp, Col. A. W. Hodges, editor-printer.

SALVO!, 9, Dec., 5x7, 2 pp, Victor A. Moitoret, editor-printer,

SEATTLE AMATEUR, 53-2, March, 5½x7½, 4 pp, Viola Payne, G. Wallace Tibbetts, Geo. J. Chandler, Ella Bedsaul, Helen Mating, San­dor Esterhazy, Helen E. Middleton, Dr. C. F. Noel, editor; printed by McNamee.

VOLUSIA STAR, 2-1, Jan.-Feb., 4¼x7, 18 pp, mimeo, William Norman Hall, editor.

WHITE RABBIT, Feb. 29, 5x7, 4 pp, handset and printed by Cmdr. Victor A. Moitoret. WILLAMETTA'S SEEDLING, 3, Feb, 4½x5½, 4 pp, Willamette Keffer, editor,printer.


March Mailing — 12 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-2, Feb., 5½x8½, 8 pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor.

CALENDAR, 1-4, March, 4x8, 2 pp, Carla Patsuris, William F. Evans, C. V. Gardner, editor.

CORNERSTONE, March, 5x7, 8 pp plus cover, Helen E. Middleton, Dr. Belle S. Mooney, Cecile K. E. Ryan, Mary O'Connor, G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor; printed by Brann.

KITTEN, 50, Feb., 5x7, 2 pp, Alfred Babcock.

LEAVES, 59, Jan., 3x4½, 12 pp, Carl A. Josseck, Warren S. Rosenberger, editor-printer.

MINI BALL, 1, March, 2½x3, 4 pp, Col. A. W. Hodges, editor-printer.

NAPA MAILER, 17-8, March, 5x7, 4 pp, mimeo, Stan Oliner.

PATRIOT, 6, March, 4 pp, Florence E. Fry, Orella D. Halstead, editor; printed by A. Babcock.

STRICTLY DUERR, March, 5x7, 4 pp, Emerson Duerr, editor,printer.

UNITED ALUMNUS, 3-2, Feb., 5½x6½, 8 pp, Grace Moss Weitman, Harriet Gilmore, Matilda Ackerman, Paula Nelson, Carla Patsuris, Mar­aret Jones, M.D., Carl A. Josseck, Clara Bonan­der, O.O. of United Alumni; edited by Fred C. Eichin, handset by Lexy and printed by Brauner Ostergaard.

VOLUSIA STAR, 2-2, Mar.-Apr., 4V4x7, mimeo, 16 pp, by William N. Hall, editor,pubilsher.
WEAKER MOMENTS, 73, Feb., 5x7, 4 pp, by Ralph W. Babcock, editor-printer.


April Mailing - 23 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-3, March, 5½x 8½, 8 pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor.

CALENDAR, 1-5, April, 4x8, 2 pp, William F. Evans, Florence E. Fry, Nona D. Spath, G. Ed­ward Lind, Cornelius V. Gardner, editor.

COLORADO ROUNDUP, 4, Spring, 5x7, 18 pp plus cover. Published by Columbine Ama­teur Press Club. Goldianne Thompson, Elaine J. Peck, Vernal C. Patterson, Veda B. Collins, Stan Oliner, Alicia Darling, O. W. Hinrichs, Pauline M. Kerr, Nettie V. Wiest, and Kermit R. Schuman, editor,printer.

COLORADO WAGONWHEEL, 1, April, 3½x5, 2 pp, Veda B. Collins, editor; printed by Oliner.

COPY HOOK, March, 5½x8½, 4 pp, NAPA Manuscript Bureau paper. By Milton R. Grady.

CORNERSTONE, April, 5x7, 12 pp plus cover, Helen E. Middleton, George A. Boehme, Lor­raine Jolian, Robt. H. Price, Geo. W. Macauley, G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor; printed by Brann.

FRIENDLY ROAD, 4, 5x7, 8 pp, Grace A. Alcox, Frank E. Schermerhorn, Gertrude M. Tay­lor, Paula Nelson, Francis Earl Bonnell, editor-printer.

HERITAGE, 1, April, 5x7, 8 pp, Stan Oliner, Sheldon C. Wesson, Al Fick, editor-printer.
INDEPENDENT, 1, April 2, 8½x11, 2 pp mimeo., Kermit Schuman and Stan Oliner, editors.

IT'S WHAT YOU SAY, April, 4¼x5½, 4 pp, by Alan Harshaw, editor-printer.

JAYHAWK JOURNAL, 5, Spring, 4½x6, 12 pp, Lucy Marr Hill, Lone Eagle, Nellie E. Duf­fy, Violet Marr Simpson, editor,printer.

KITCHEN STOVE, 24th Heating, April 5x7, 4 pp, Louise Lincoln and A. Walrus, editors; printed by Alf Babcock.

LITERARY NEWSETTE, 378, 379, March 15, 26, 8V2xli, 2 pp each, mimeo, Shirley Louise Rayle, Stan Oliner, Willametta Keffer, editor.

LOS ANGELES WEAKLY NEWSANCE, 22, Dec., 81/2xll, 6 pp, mimeo, Jesse Walters, Ivor Darreg, editor-publisher.

NAPA MAILER, 17-9, April 12, 5x7, 1p, by Stan Oliner.

NOMAD, 9, April, 3x4½, Col. A. W. Hodges, editor-printer.

PRAIRIE BREEZE, 6, April, 4¼x5½, 4 pp, handset and printed by Albert R. Taylor.

PROOFREAD, 14, Spring, 4½x6, 32 pp plus cover, Kermit R. Schuman, editor-printer.

SEATTLE AMATEUR, 53-3, April, Alma Weix­elbaum, G. Wallace Tibbetts, Sandor Esterhazy, Carla Patsuris, E. B. Whiting, Dr. C. F. Noel, editor; printed by McNamee.

SOMBRA y SOL, 1, April, 5x7, 4 pp, Alice To­daro and Katherine Talbot, editors; printed by John Brann.

TWO UNSEEN PASSENGERS, 4x5, 4 pp, beautiful verses by Ae'lis Churchill Chaphe, rec­ommended reading for every driver of an auto.

WHAT'S WHAT IN PAPER, a package of 13 leaflets, 3x5 each 2 pp. Fred Gage, Matilda and Wm. Haywood, A. L. Shearn, Albert R. Taylor, Milton Grady, Geo, W. Macauley, Willard B. Savary, Col. A. W. Hodges, Kermit Schuman, L. M. Jolian, C. V. Gardner, G. W. Tibbetts, Alice Todaro and Katherine Talbot, participants -promoted and assembled by Stan Oliner.


Privately Mailed

FAR AFIELD, Summer, 5¼x7¼,32 pp plus cover, John Smith Kendall, Lisa S. Mackey, Helen E. Middleton, William van Wyck, and editor,printer, Frederick Folger Thomas Jr.

FOSSIL, Vol. 53, whole Number 149, April, 9x12, 8 pp, "O. O. of Alumni of Amateur journal­ism." Edward De Witt Taylor, James Larkin Pearson, Viola Payne, Willametta Keffer, Edna Hyde McDonald, Beecher Ogden, Walter J. Held, and Edward H. Cole, official editor.

GOLDENROD, 7-1, total 18, March, 4¼x5, 24 pp, and cover, O. W. Hinrichs, editor, printer.

HAPPINESS UNLIMITED, 1-1, June, 5½x8½, 28 pp including cover, offset; Olive A. Divers, May Pond, Mary O'Connor, Frances Anger, mayer, Myra B. Welch, letters to the editor, A. Lucille Talley.

NATIONAL AMATEUR, 78-3, March, 7x10, 16 pp and cover, NAPA official organ; Lisa S. Mackey, Milton R. Grady, Helm Spink, John B. Schlarb, Alma Weixelbaum, Kermit R. Schu­man, Cmdr. Victor A. Moitoret, Dora H. Moit­oret, Bessie Barnes, Travis Payne, officers' re­ports and editor, Russell L. Paxton; printed by the Paxton Press.

PHOENIX, 16-1, Spring, 6x9, 24 pp plus cover. Lyn Winters, Michael White, Dorothy Winn, Margie Boswell, Elizabeth C. Porter, Veda B. Collins, Ae'lis C. Chaphe, Garth Bentley, Mary Garbarini, Leona S. Hoots, numerous letters to Charles W. Heins, editor-printer.

POLYSTICH, 5-1, March, 4¼x5½, 16 pp; JohnL. Grinch and Willard Savary, editor, printer.

SMALL WORLD, It's A, 2nd Annual Edition, 1956, 5x7¼, 28 pp plus cover. "Published co­operatively by hobby printers in all parts of the world as a demonstration of their mutual interest in the art of printing for its creative satis­faction." Participants: Wm. M. Danner, Alvin S. Fick, Frederick H. Gage, Milton R. Grady, Arthur Harris, The Keffers, Geo. W. Macauley, Cmdr. Victor A. Moitoret, Maurice Peach, A. L. Shearn, Frederick F. Thomas Jr., The Wes, sons and publishers, The Haywoods, co-pub­lisher Reg Hollins.

SUGAR & SPICE, 9, March, 4½x5½, 4 pp, William F. Haywood, editor-printer.

YODLER, 2-3, Spring, 8½x11, 3 pp, duplicated. Olive E. Read, editor.


Foreign Publications

A FRAGMENT, 10, Feb., 5x10, 4 pp, F. G. Bis• senden, editor; England.

FRIDAY MARKET, 1, April, 5x7V2, A. L. Shearn, editor; England.

STORY PAPER COLLECTOR, 58-3, April, 4½ x6¼, 16 pp, edited and printed by William Gander; Canada.


Jack London APC Mailing

BEACON, 5x6, Mar., Apr., 3x5, 24 pp, cover, and 12 pp, cover. Marvin Sanford, editor, printer.

CARGO, 5, Winter, 3x5, 12 pp, cover. Printed by Marvin Sanford.

CLARION, 10-11, Feb., 3¾x5½, 16 pp, cover. Marvin Sanford, director.

CIGAR BOX BULLETIN, 2, 5½x8½, 4 pp. "A Journal for Apexers" by Marvin Sanford.


May Mailing - 21 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-3, April and 4-4 May, 5½x8½, both 8 pp, mimeo; Bert Baker, editor, publisher.

BISCAYNE BREEZE, 1-1, Spring-Summer, 5x7, 8 pp; contents by editors, Alice Mae Waite, Nell Campbell and Anita R. Kirksey; printed by Ed Tevis.

CALENDAR, 1-6, May, 4x8, 2 pp, Nona D. Spath, Florence E. Fry, Frances H. Beran, Della L. Campbell, C. V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CALIFORNIA SUN, 32, April, 8½x11, 4 pp, mimeo; contents by editor, George Gaylord Jr.

CORNERSTONE, May, 5x7, 8 pp, cover; Alma Weixelbaum, Carla Patsuris, Lyn Winters, Lois S. Slocum, Larry Notman, Rev. Victor Downs, and G. Wallace Tibbets, editor; Brann, printer.

FROM THE SIDELINES, May, 8V2x11, 7 pp, mimeo; contents by editor, Edward H. Cole.

HOBBY PRESS GUIDE, 1956, 5x7½, 20 pp, edited by Almon Horton; Reg Hollins, printer

INDEPENDENT, 2, May, 16, 8½x1l, 2 pp, mimeo: Kermit Schuman and Stan Oliner.

ISPANEWS, 2-8, Dec., 5x7½, 20 pp, sample copy official organ International Small Printers' Assn.; Ralph Babcock, F. G. Bissenden, Martin Keffer, David B. Jenkins, H. R. Surridge, John Sisson, Pres. T. A. Amos, Reg Hollins, editor.

JUNIOR JOURNALIST, 1-5, May, 5½x8½, 4 pp, Alan Harshaw, editor-printer.

LITERARY NEWSETTE, 380, Apr. 19, 8½x1l, 2 pp, mimeo; S. Louise Rayle, Penwordy, (Re­becca Greenhouse), Paula Nelson, and editor, Willametta Keffer. -381, May 3, by editor.

NAPA MAILER, 17-10, May, 3½x5, 1 pp, Stan Oliner.

NATIONAL RECORDER, 1-1, April, 4V2x5V2, 2 pp, Alan Harshaw, editor-printer.

POLYSTICH, 5-2 (20), May, 4V2x5V2, 16 pp; John L. Grinch; Willard Savary, editor-printer.

PRARIE BREEZE, 7, May, 4¼x5½,4 pp; Helen T. Woods; Albert R. Taylor, editor-printer.
REVIEWING STAND, 2, May, 2½x3, 4 pp,Col. A. W. Hodges.

SHADY ACRE SAMPLER, 9, May, 8½x1l, 12 pp, Julia O. Lengle, Carla Patsuris, Helen E. Middleton, Rose Kocher, and Willametta Keffer, editor and typesetter; printed by Martin Keffer.

SPECTATOR, 41, May, 5x7, 24 pp, incl. cover; Frank E. Schermerhorn, Carla Patsuris, Veda B. Collins, Johnson D. A. Kuewumi, Kermit Schuman, Alice Todaro, Paula Nelson, Helen E. Nfiddleton; Milton R. Grady, editor-printer.

STRICTLY DUERR, 5x7, 4 pp; and P. S., 4x7½, 2 pp; Emerson Duerr, editor-printer.

EDGAR M. HAYES, Historian

Report by Historians Hayes and Kunde

June Mailing - 23 papers

AMALGAMATED, June, 5¾x6¾, 4 pp. Fred Eichin, Alexia J. Ostrgaard, Matilda Ackerman, Brauner J. Ostergaard, editor-publisher.

BUCKEYE AMATEUR, 4-8, Apr.-May, 5½x8½, mimeo, Marion Snyder, editor.

CALENDAR, 1-7, June, 4x8, 2 pp. G. Edward Lind, Cecile Ryan, Irma Keehn, Carla Patsuris, Cornelius V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CALIFORNIA SUN, May, Jun., July, 8½x11½, 2 pp, (Ju'y 4 pp), spirit dup., George Gaylord, editor.

CONSTITUTION VS. CUSTOM, 8½x11½, 1 p, by "Rusty" in answer to Edward H. Cole's "From the Sidelines" in May bundle.

CORNERSTONE, June, 5x7, 8 pp and cover. Ii: ten Middleton, Charles First, Dora Moitoret, Olive Read, G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor; print­ed by Brann.

GAGE PIN, 6, Spring, '56, 3x4, 8 pp, Frederick H. Gage, editor-printer.

DENVARIA, June, 8½x11, 1 pp, spirit dup. by Pauline Kerr.

INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR, 85, Spring, 6½x8, 12 pp, mimeo. Olive Rhodes Teugals, editor-publisher.

LITERARY NEWSETTE, 382, May, 22, 8½x11, 2 pp, mimeo, Willametta Keffer.

MARTINI, 24, June, 5½x8½, 4 pp. George Kay, Robert Price, Frank Egner, Willametta Keffer, Alice Todaro, Margaret Berman, Martin B. Keffer, editor-publisher.

MICROCOSM 4, June, 4½x6, 2 pp, A. S. Fick, editor-publisher.

RAYS, May, 3½x5, 4 pp, Mary O'Conner, Ray A. Albert, editor-printer.

REFLECTIONS & REFRACTIONS 6, Summer, 5x7, 2 pp, Dr. Harold E. Davids, editor.

SEATTLE AMATEUR, 534, July, 5V2x7V2, 4 pp., Sandor Esterhazy, Helen Middleton, Anita Kirksey, Edwin Whiting, Helen Maring, Olive Read, Veda Collins, Dr. C. F. Noel, editor-publisher.

SPECTATOR 42, June, 5x7, 20 pp and cover. Milt Grady, editor-publisher.

TIDBIT, 1,1, July, 3x4V2, 4 pp, Elizabeth Butt, editor-printer.

TIRED MAILER, 17-11, June, 5x7, 1 p, Stan Oliner.

VELLA'S CORNER, 5x5, 1 p, Cella Thompson. Printed by the Ostergaards.

VISITING FIREMAN, 1, May, 4x5, 4 pp, Joe Curran, "A Keller house organ."

VOLUSIA STAR, 2.3, May-June, 4x7, 16 pp. Mimeo, Wm. H. Hall, editor-publisher,


Privately Mailed

JOINT EFFORT 1, June, 5x7, 4 pp. Created, handset, printed and published by Bernice and Helm Spink.

SMOKE SIGNAL, 8, June, 4½x6, 16 pp and cover, George H. Freitag, Lone Eagle, A. S. Fick, editor-printer.

SPECTATOR, 10, May, 5x7, 22 pp and cover, Paula Nelson, Viola Payne, Carla Patsuris, Frank Schermerhorn, Alice Todaro, and Walter J. Held, editor-printer.


Foreign. Publication

FRIDAY MARKET, 2, July, 13 pp. A. L. Shearn, editor, England.

This is my final report for the year. A total of 262 publications have been received and reported during, my term as Historian.

EDGAR M. HAYES, Historian


July Mailing - 14 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-6, Jun.: 4-7, July: 5½x8½, 8 pp ea. mimeo, Bert Baker, editor, publisher.

CALENDAR, 1-8, July, 4x8, 2 pp, Wm. F. Evans, Kelly Janes, Carla Patsuris, Cornelius V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CONVENTION NUTSHELL, July, 5x7, 4 pp, Alan Harshaw and Milt Grady-editor-printers.

DENVARIA, 8, July, 5x7, 2 pp, Kermit Schuman, editor-printer, for Columbine A. P. C.
INDEPENDENT, 5, July 4, 8½x11, mimeo, daily convention paper produced by Schuman, Oliner, Harshaw, Bert Baker, Matheison, Grady, and Willametta Keller.

JUNIOR JOURNALIST, 1-6, July, 5½x8½, Mil­ton Grady, editor-publisher, for Alan Harshaw, publisher, critically injured.

LITERARY NEWSETTE, 383, June 19; 384, July 7, 8V2xll, 2 pp ea., mimeo, Willamette Keffer, editor.

MICHIGAN BEAR, 1, July; 5x7½, 4 pp, Dr. Joseph E. Dunbar, editor-printer.

MINNIE-HA-HA, 1, 2, 3; July 2, 3, 4; 8½x11, 2 pp ea., mimeo, daily convention paper by

Larry Notman.

MINUR-PRUF, 2, July, 5 pp on Kleenex Tissues, Kermit Schuman, Stan Oliner, editor-printers.

NAPA 81st CONVENTION, July, 8½x11, mimeo, Iris Tavernier, editor.

NAPA MAILER, 17-12, July, 8½x11, 1p. mimeo, Stan Oliner.

POLYSTICH, 5-3, July, 4½x5½, 16 pp, John L. Grinch and Willard B. Savary, editor-publisher.

WESTERNER, 7, Summer, 5x7, 4 pp, Bessie Barnes, publisher, Alf Babcock, printer.


Privately Mailed - July

APPEAL, 1, June, 3½x6¼, 2 pp; PRINTER'S LETTER, 5, June, 5x7, 4 pp; both by Samuel Tatnall, editor-printer. (Latter excluded from bundle by order of Executive Judges because of advertising print shop for sale.)

CUBICLE, 41, Summer, 4½x6, 24 pp and cover, Thomas Whitbread, Albert Fick, and Robert Holman, editor-printer.

EXPRESSION, Apr., May, June 1953 and Mar., Apr., May 1954, 4½x7, total 22 pp, tribute to his father, Leo Dryden, Wheeler Dryden, editor.

FOSSIL, 54,150, July, 9x12, 12 pp, Edna Me­donald, Viola Payne, William Haywood, James Pearson, and Edward H. Cole, official editor.

PHOENIX, 16-2, Summer, 6x9, 24 pp and cover, Ae'lis Chaphe, Garth Bentley, Paula Nelson, and Charles W. Heins, editor-printer.

Mary Gabarini, Dorothy Winn, Lyn Winters,


August Mailing - 14 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-8, 5½x8½, 8 pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor-publisher.

CALENDAR, 1-9, Aug., 4x8, 2 pp. Maybelle B. Scott, G. Edward Lind, Wm. F. Evans, Carla Patsuris, C. V. Gardner, editor-printer.

CORNERSTONE, July, 5x7, 8 pp and cover, Helen E. Middleton, Nellie Duffy, Florence G. Mann, Walter L. Smith, George J. Crawford, G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor, publisher; printed by John Brann.

INTERLEAVES, Autumn, 5x7, 8 pp, Frederick F. Thomas, Jr., editor-printer.

JAYHAWK JOURNAL, Aug., 4V2x6, 8 pp and cover, Nellie E. Duffy, Pearle Harrington, Lucy M. Hill, Violet M. Simpson, editor-printer.

LEMON DROP, July, 7x8½, 8 pp, mimeo, James A. Lemon, editor-publisher.

NAPA MAILER, Aug., 5½x8½, 1 p, Alexia J. Ostergaard.

NATIONAL NEWS-LEADER, 1-1, 7x10, 2 pp, Russell L. Paxton, editor-printer.

(NO NAME) July, 5x7, 4 pp, Janet McKinlay, of New Zealand, and Vic Moitoret on his press.

NORTH CAROLINA DEADHEAD, Sept., 5½x8½, 4 pp, outside printed, inside mimeo, Paul E. Heir, publisher-printer and/or mimeo.

PROOFREAD, 15, 4½x6, 16 pp and cover, (Fourth Anniversary Issue), Robert E. Kunde, John R. Brann, Paula Nelson, Lexy R. Oster­gaard, Carla Patsuris, and Kermit R. Schuman, Editor-printer.

SAN DIEGO DEL PACIFICO, Aug. 10, 3½x5, 4 pp, a conglomeration of Colorado Minor, Silver and Gold, and the Yodler, Gale W. Shel­don, editor-printer, with assist from Olive Read, Ruth Sheldon, and Stan Oliner.

SPECTATOR, 43, Aug., 5x7, 16 pp and cover, Helen E. Middleton, Rockwell Schaefer, L. V. Heljeson, Milton Grady, editor-printer.

ZITA'S HOBBIES, Aug., 4x6, mimeo, Zita Le, Compt, editor.


September Mailing - 16 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-9, 5½x8½, 8pp, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor-publisher. BUDDY, 9, Sept., 5x7, 12 pp, Carla Patsuris, Paula Nelson, and John Brann, editor-printer.

CALENDAR, 1-10, Sept., 4x8, 2 pp, Carla Patsuris, Nona Spath, and C. V. Gardner, editor‑printer.

CALIFORNIA SUN, 36, Sept., 8½x11, 2 pp, spirit dup, George Gaylord, editor.

CEREBRATIONS, 2, Aug., 5x7, 4 pp, Frances Beran, Helen Maring, John Brann, Willard B. Savary, and Carla Patsuris, editor. Printed by A. Babcock.

GOLDEN SENTINEL, 1, Sept., 5½x8½, 4 pp, mimeo, A. L. Shearn, editor.

IN BETWEEN, 10, Sept., 5½x7¾, 4 pp, Carla Patsuris and Alexia Ostergaard, editor-printer.

KITTEN, 51, Sept., 5x7, 4 pp, Carla Patsuris, Frances Beran, and Alf Babcock, editor-printer.

NAPA MAILER, Sept., 4½x10, 2 pp, Alexia J. Ostergaard.

NORTH CAROLINA ADVOCATE, 1-1, Oct., 5½x8½, 4 pp, outside printed, inside mimeo, Paul E. Heir, editor.

POLYSTICH, 5-4, Sept., 4¼x5½, 12 pp, John L. Grinch and Willard B. Savary, editor-printer.

PROOFREAD, 16, Sept., 4V4x6, Alma Weixelbaum and Kermit Schuman, editor-printer.
SALVO! 10, Aug., 5x7, 4 pp, Victor A. Moitoret, editor-printer.

SHAMBLER, 1, Sept., 4½x6, A. S. Fick, editor-printer.

STRICTLY DUERR, Sept., 5x7, 4 pp, E. Duerr, editor-printer.

VOLUSIA STAR, 2-5, Sept-Oct., 4V40, 16 pp, mimeo, Nona Spath, Elizabeth Butt, and Wm. N. Hall, editor.


Privately Mailed

YODLER, 3-1, Autumn, 8½x11, 4 pp, spirit dup., George Crawford, Nona Spath, and Olive E. Read, editor.

ROBERT E. KUNDE, Historian


SIDE ROADS, 3, Aug., 4V2x6, 4 pp., Ethel Cas­well and Noble Brobin, editor-printer.

This was omitted from the August listing.


October Mailing-14 papers

ALL-AMATEUR AMERICAN, 15-1, Fall, 5½x­8½, 4 pp., illustrated, Dr. Lemuel Granada and Ernest P. Witte, editor-printer.

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-10, 5½x8½, 8 pp., mimeo, Bert Baker, editor-publisher.

CALIFORNIA SUN, 37, Oct., 8½x11, 2 pp., sp. dup., George Gaylord, Jr., editor.

CANDLEBEAMS, 8, Oct., 5½x7-3/8, 4 pp., Dean Bollman, editor-printer.

CORNERSTONE, Oct., 5x7, 8 pp. and cover, Dr. Belle Mooney, Rockwell Schaefer, Mary Vincent, Hyman Bradofsky, and G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor-publisher. Brann printed.

DENVARIA, 9, Oct., 5x7, 6 pp., illustrated, CA-PC and Kermit Schuman, editor-printer.

JUNIOR JOURNALIST, 2-1, Aug., 5½x8½ 8 pp., illustrated, Alan E. Harshaw, editor-printer, back in action after critical motor-accident in­jury suffered while returning home from Minne, apolis convention.

NAPA MAILER, Oct., 4x9V4, 1p., Alexia Oster­gaard, editor-printer.

NATIONAL NEWS-LEADER, 1-, Oct., 7x10, 4 pp., illustrated, Frank E. Schermerhorn, Helen E. Middleton, Russell L. Paxton, editor-printer.

NORTH CAROLINA ADVOCATE, 1-, Nov., 5½8½ 8 pp., Cecile Ryan, Dorothy Winn, Arthur Isenberg, Paul E. Heir, editor-printer.

PATRIOT, 9, June (In error, numbered 7 and dated June 1955), 5x7, 4 pp., Orella D. Hal­stead, editor-publisher. Printed by A. Babcock.

SALUTE TO NAPA, 5x7, 4 pp., Steve Watts, editor-printer. See story elsewhere in this issue.

SHAMBLER, 2, Oct., 4½6, Alvin S. Fick, editor-printer.

SILVER AND GOLD, 5, Oct., 3½5, 12 pp. and cover, illustrated, Gale W. Sheldon, editor-printer.


November Mailing-15 papers

AMERICAN SCRIBE, 2-, Fall, 5x8, 8 pp., Anita Kirksey, Alexia Ostergaard, Viola Payne, Wma. Keffer, and Russell L. Paxton, editor-printer.

BISCAYNE BREEZE, Fall, 5x7, 8 pp., Zita Le Compt, and Alice Mae Waite, editor-publisher. Printed by Edward Tevis.

CALENDAR, 1-1, Oct., 4x8, 2 pp., Nona Spath, Ethel Ulrich, and Cornelius V. Gardner, editor, printer.

CLARION, 14, Dec., 3-/8x5, 24 pp. and cover. Fantasy and Whimsy Division of Jack London Amateur Press Club. Marvin Sanford, director, printer.

COLORADO ROUNDUP, 5, Fall, 5x7, 12 pp. and cover, Elaine Peck, Karen Turelli, Veda Collins, Pauline Kerr, Goldianne Thompson, and Kermit Schuman, editor-printer.

CORNERSTONE, Nov., 5x7, 8 pp. and cover, Helen Middleton, Dr. Belle Mooney, and G. Wallace Tibbetts, editor-publisher. Brann print.

DEEP CREEK DIGEST, 1.1, Oct., 8!/2x11, 2 2 pp., mimeo, Viola Payne and Elizabeth Beavers, editor-publishers.

LES GROS BATON, Oct., 5x7, 4 pp., John Hurdis, editor-printer.

MAINE SPOKE, Autumn, 4½x, 4 pp., Fred­erick H. Gage, editor-printer graduating to a larger format.

MEANING OF CHRISTMAS, sheet music, lyrics by Zita Le Compt.

NAPA MAILER, Nov., 4x11, 1 p., Alexia Oster­gaard, editor-printer.

NORTH CAROLINA VISITOR, 4x5, 4 pp., Alice Waite, Cecile Ryan, and Paul E. Heir, editor-printer, commemorating Mrs. Waite's visit with her friend Mrs. Elsie Anderson at the edi­tor's home and press.

TIDBIT, 1.2, Oct., 3x4½ 4 pp., Elizabeth Butt, editor-printer.

VOLUSIA STAR, 2-6,Nov.-Dec., 16 pp., mimeo, William N. Hall, editor-publisher. WASHINGTON, WASHLINE POST, 1, Sept., 5½8½ 4 pp., Kenneth F. Weiser, editor‑

publisher. Brann printed.


Privately Mailed

AUTUMN SELECTION, Sept., 5x8, 10 pp., mimeo with printed heads plus printed cover, A. E. Chapman, Olive Teugels, and I. K. John­son, publisher. BAPA.

FIVE YEARS OF SPECTATOR, 1955, 4V2x6, 32 pp and cover, selection of the best articles in Grady's Spectator for past five years, Alan E. Harshaw, editor-printer.

FOSSIL, 54-151, Oct., 9x12, 12 pp., illustrated, Edna McDonald, Viola Payne, William Hay­wood, Isaac Magner, and Edward H. Cole, offi, cial editor.

FRIDAY MARKET, 3, Oct., 5x7½, 12 pp., A. L. Shearn, editor-printer. .

GATOR GROWL, 63, Oct., 5½x8½, 20 pp. and cover, illustrated, L. V. Heljeson, Thomas B. Whitbread, and Lee Hawes, Jr., editor-publisher. Printed by Paxton.

HELLUVIT, 1, 8½x1l, 6 pp., mimeo, Stan Oli­ner, publisher. Suppositious correspondence between Wma Keffer and Denver city sealer over alleged mailing over-charge by Stan when he was mailer.

OLD TIMER, 1-1, Summer, 4½x6, 36 pp. and cover, illustrated, James Larkin Pearson, editor, printer on Model 5 Linotype and 10x15 OS C&P reactivating aj activity begun in 1901.

PEEP AT THE SUN, Fall, 8½x11, 11pp mimeo, Florence G. Mann, editor,publisher.

PHOENIX, 16-3, Autumn, 6x9, 20pp. and cover, Ae'lis Chaphe, Mary Garbarini, Dorothy Winn, Garth Bentley, Della Campbell, Lyn Winters, Rockwell Schaefer, Leona Hoots, and Charles W. Heins, editor-printer.

RENDEZVOUS, 1, Jan. '57, 4V2x6 4 pp, Joseph W. Curran, editor-printer.

SIAMESE STANDPIPE, 36, Christmas, 1956, 4½x6, 8 pp and cover, Helen and Sheldon Wesson, editor-printers.

STORY PAPER COLLECTOR, 61-3, Jan. '57, 5x7, 12 pp, illustrated, William H. Gander, editor-printer.

STORY PAPER COLLECTOR, 60-3, Oct., 5x6¼, 16 pp., illustrated, William H. Gander, editor-printer.

SAN FRANCISCO EVENING LAMP, 16, Jan. '57, 6x9, 16 pp. and cover, Howard Lackey, Paula Nelson, Garth Bentley, unaffiliated writers, and Marvin A. Sanford, editor,printer.

YODLER, 3-3, Winter, 8V2x11, 4 pp, spirit dup., George Crawford, Ae'lis Chaphe, and Olive E. Read, editor-publisher.

YULE GAZETTE, Dec., 25, 7x 10, 2 pp, Spencer D. Irwin, editor-printer.


December Mailing-23 Papers

BERT BAKER'S BULLETIN, 4-11 and 4-12, 5½x8½, 8 pp each, mimeo, Bert Baker, editor.
CALENDAR, 1-12, Dec., 4x8, 2 pp, Cornelius Gardner, editor-printer.

CALIFORNIA SUN, 38, Nov., 8½x11, 2 pp, spirit dup., George T. Gaylord, Jr., editor.

CEMETERY RABBIT, 33rd hop, June, 5x7, 4 pp, Rowena Moitoret, Reg Southey, and Victor Moitoret, editor-printer.

CEREBRATIONS, 3, Dec., 5x7, 4 pp, Paula Nel­son, Sandor Esterhazy, Frances Beran, and Carla Patsuris, editor. Printed by Alf Babcock.

CHRISTMAS PUDDING, Dec., 5x7, 8 pp, Bessie Barnes and Anita R. Kirksey, editor. Printed by Edward Tevis.

FROM THE LOOKOUT, undated, 5x7, Marius Hansome, editor. Printed by John Brann. Greetings, 1956,57, 3y4x6V2, May M. Duffee.

HAWTHORNE, Christmas, 2¾x8, Irma Keehn.

LEMON DROP, 10-3, Nov., 7x8½, 12 pp, mimeo, Thos. B. Whitbread, Roy A. Lindberg,

and Jim Lemon- editor,publisher.

LEMON DROP, 10-4, Dec., 8½x 11, 4 pp, offset, Alma Weixelbaum, Vondy, and Jim Lemon, editor,publisher.

LOQUACIOUS CLAM, 1, Nov. 18, 5½x7, 4 pp, Dalton V. Brunsdon, editor-printer. MINOR,PRUF, 3, Dec., 8¾x11½, 1 p, Kermit R. Schuman and Stan Oliner, editor, printers.

NAPA MAILER, Dec., 4x6, 1 p, Alexia Oster­gaard, editor-printer.

NATIONAL NEWS,LEADER, 1-3, 7x10, 4 pp, Helen E. Middleton, G. Wallace Tibbets, Re, wena Moitoret, Wma. Keller, and Russell L. Paxton, editor,printer. nter.

PASTIME FRINTER, 3, Dec., 5x7, 8 pp, Steve L. Watts, editor,printer, with some specimens of discontinued type faces.

POLYSTICH, 5-5, Dec., 4¼x5½, 16 pp, John L. Grinch, Nona D. Spath, and Bill Savary, editor, printer.

RAYS, Dec., 3x5¼, 12 pp, Viola Payne and Ray A. Albert, editor-printer.

REFLECTIONS AND REFRACTIONS, 7, Au­tumn, 5x7, 9 pp, 1 illustration. Describes flood of 8.19,55 in Naugatuck, Conn. Dr. Harold E. Davids, publisher-printer.

SEATTLE AMATEUR, 54-1. Jan. '57, 5½x7½, 4 pp, Edwin B. Whiting, Sandor Esterhazy, Belle S. Mooney, Helen E. Middleton, and Dr. C. F. Noel, editor, publisher,

SPECTATOR, 44, Nov., 5x7, 24 pp and cover, Rockwell B. Schaefer, Alexia Ostergaard, Carla Patsuris, Helen E. Middleton, Viola Payne, and Milton R. Grady, editor-printer.

SWORD, 29, Oct., 3½x5, 4 pp, J. Rolfe Castle­man, editor-printer.

TWO EMS, 10, Dec., 5x7, 4 pp, Rowena Moito­ret, Carolyn Moitoret, and Dora H. Moitoret, editor-printer in a dark corner of the basement trying to find the light switch.

And, with the compliments of Russell L. Paxton, a current membership list, 8 pp, 3½x5½

ROBERT E. KUNDE, Historian